For years Navarrosa has collaborated with the Spanish Institute for Exportation and Investments, ICEX, which, as is known, is a national business public entity whose mission is to promote the internationalization of Spanish companies to contribute to their competitiveness and contribute value to the economy as a whole, as well as attracting foreign investment to Spain.This collaboration has taken place both from the associative sphere (ASIMELEC / AMETIC) and from the private, in the conviction that there was a real possibility of exporting the work of development, specification, regulation and implementation, carried out over more than nine years.
This idea has been verified and validated by the experience of companies that are successfully taking their knowledge to other countries and, also, adopting systems that have proven fruitful there.
In this sense, Navarrosa also plans to bring the “know-how” developed in collaboration with so many companies and institutions for the development of projects and, at the same time, import the best practices that it can find to really improve the implementation of buildability. sustainable in the realm of the home, the community or the smart city.